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Kids Running

re.Building an

In a world with limited resources, sustainable living is a self-realization. It's about being mindful, finding inner happiness, and pledging to protect our environment. Join EcoKonsciousLiving, an initiative started by a 7-year-old, and supported by other womens, Join us in building a community that cares about the environment. 

Concert Crowd

"At EcoKonsciousLiving, we firmly believe in our ability to Re.Shape a better world through sustainable living. Our mission is to inspire, empower, educate, and share knowledge with individuals, especially children, encouraging them to embrace eco-friendly practices and contribute to the creation of a sustainable community. By instilling eco-conscious values from childhood, we aim to nurture a generation that makes mindful choices with our planet in mind."

Community Service
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Re.Infinite (Re.)

Sustainable Luxury Lifestyle

Special Offers

Jumping Child

SDG Goals Alignment

United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The initiative of promoting eco-conscious living, especially among children, aligns with several of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While it positively contributes to multiple goals, one of the primary SDGs that this initiative is closely aligned with is:

SDG 12

Responsible Consumption and Production

Promoting eco-conscious living encourages responsible consumption and production patterns. It encourages individuals, including children, to make sustainable choices, reduce waste, and minimize their environmental footprint. By educating and inspiring people to consume more mindfully and make eco-friendly choices, this initiative directly supports SDG 12's objectives of sustainable resource use, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable lifestyles.


Quality Education

SDG 13

Climate Action

By reducing carbon footprints through sustainable practices, this initiative also plays a role in addressing climate change and its impacts.

SDG 14

Life Below Water

By reducing plastic use and promoting responsible consumption, this initiative indirectly contributes to the preservation of marine ecosystems.

By educating children about eco-conscious living, it supports the goal of quality education, ensuring that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development.

SDG 15

Life on Land

 Teaching children to appreciate and protect nature supports the goal of preserving biodiversity on land and in ecosystems.

SDG 17

Partnerships for the Goals

Collaboration and partnership within communities and among organizations are essential to achieving all SDGs. This initiative encourages individuals and communities to come together in support of eco-conscious living and sustainability.


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  • Thanksgiving Soup Kitchen
    Thanksgiving Soup Kitchen
    Sun, 04 Feb
    San Francisco
    San Francisco, 500 Terry A Francois Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94158, USA
    San Francisco, 500 Terry A Francois Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94158, USA
  • Single Parent Cooking Workshop
    Single Parent Cooking Workshop
    Tue, 06 Mar
    San Francisco
    San Francisco
    San Francisco


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